Police warned the public of a scam on Thursday after a Larnaca resident reported he was cheated out of €10,000 by a person impersonating as a doctor.

According to the complaint filed by the 85-year-old man, an unknown man called him around 2pm on Wednesday saying he was a doctor and that a relative of the pensioner required surgery. He asked for €10,000 and his home address.

The pensioner “was convinced of the necessity to pay the money” so he met the alleged doctor at his house on the same day and gave him the amount he had asked for.

In their statement, police urged people to be wary.

“It is not the first time perpetrators have operated this mode of operating has been encountered in our country,” the police warned.

“The perpetrators communicate by telephone, usually with elderly people and falsely report to them that a relative of theirs has to urgently undergo an operation.”

Anyone who receives a similar call should contact their nearest police station or the citizen’s helpline on 1460.