As the month changes there are activities on for all tastes says ELENI PHILIPPOU

With February fast approaching, a new series of events will take over the island’s agenda. The first weekend of the new month in Nicosia has plenty of experiences and activities in store, from a pop-up art market to World Wetlands Day celebrations and live music performances.

Kicking things off is a sound theatre performance by Physical Plastic that will take place at Theatro Dentro on February 2, 3 and 4. The Touch(ed) performance is a solo provocative show that uses autobiographical events to confront gender bias and cultural stereotypes around intimacy, both in life and in art-making itself.

Performed by Kestrel Farin Leah in English with a live musical performance by Yiannis Christofides, the show satirises slut shaming and touches on motherhood and monogamy. The Nicosia shows happen a week before the performance goes to Limassol to be presented at Polychoros Synergeio on February 10 and 11.

Then on Friday, the world-renowned exhibition Interactive Science, which has already been presented in Milan, Dubai, and London, will open in Cyprus. Featuring interactive media, tools and platforms, the exhibition presents different natural phenomena and discoveries in the fields of physics, mathematics and human biology. It will remain at Venue City in Nicosia until April 2 welcoming visitors and scheduled school tours.

sands of time

For some live music, local band Sands of Time will be at Beer & Beer Makariou on Friday for a 9pm performance of classic hard and heavy hits of the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Saturday morning will feature something completely different. Celebrating World Wetlands Day, officially on February 2, BirdLife Cyprus organises an event at Athalassa National Forest Park on Saturday to help join the cause in raising global awareness about the important role of wetlands for people and the planet. From 9.30am to 12.30pm, participants will be able to join activities to learn more about wetlands and their importance and discover the wondrous world of birds through birdwatching and educational activities. A nest box workshop will take place as well as birdwatching by the lake and a scavenger hunt.

Also happening on Saturday is the Pola Sela Market at Entos ton Technwn by the Yasemin Collective. Local artists will participate in showcasing their creations from 10am to 5pm, adding some colour and local creativity to the heart of the old town.


Sound theatre performance by Physical Plastic. February 2-4. Theatro Dentro, Nicosia. February 10,11. Polychoros Synergeio, Limassol. 8pm. In English.

Interactive Science Exhibition

Travelling exhibition. February 3-April 2. Venue City Cy, Nicosia. Monday-Friday: 5pm-10pm. Saturday-Sunday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-10pm. €10. Tel: 7008-8003, 22-952555.

Sands of Time

Live music covering hits of the 70s, 80s and 90s. February 3. Beer & Beer Makariou, Nicosia. 9pm. Tel: 22-314671

World Wetlands Day

Educational activities and games by BirdLife Cyprus. February 4. Athalassa National Forest Park, Nicosia. 9.30am. Free. Tel: 22-455072

Pola Sela Market

With local artists. February 4. Entos ton Technwn, Nicosia. 10am-5pm