IF HE WAS not such a union-pandering communist, we could have felt a bit of sympathy for Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou, after he was hung out to dry by Prezniktwo, ...
The unpaid tax debts of the football clubs are causing endless embarrassment to the government, which is paying for its inept handling of the matter. President Christodoulides, who made it ...
Labour minister Yiannis Panayiotou never ceases to amaze with his economic thinking. On Tuesday morning, speaking on CyBC radio, he described the increases of about five per cent in the ...
The government aims to strengthen wages in line with European guidelines, with a focus on middle and low-income employees, the labour ministry said on Friday.
In a statement, it highlighted ...
Mediation for a labour agreement in the hotel sector is expected to be put forward this week, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday, expressing optimism an agreement could be ...
Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou announced on Tuesday that the 12 per cent penalty imposed on pensions taken two years before the legal retirement age of 65 cannot be abolished. If it were, ...
The government announced on Friday it would increase pension payments for some early retirees, reducing the 12 per cent drop in pension payments for those who retire before the age of 65 ...
May 1 is a public holiday, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou insisted on Thursday.
He said the day remains a holiday for all workers, “regardless of whether the day falls within ten ...
For the government, there seems to be only one way for formulating policy – inviting stakeholders to the presidential palace for discussions. This is the way President Nikos Christodoulides likes to ...
A deal was struck over the employment of third-country nationals in Cyprus, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou announced on Monday, as he thanked social partners for their “maturity and seriousness” in ...
If union bosses were asked to choose whomever they wanted as the Christodoulides government’s minister of labour, they would not have found anyone more prepared to champion their interests ...
Hoteliers’ association (Pasyxe) general director Philokypros Rousounides said on Friday that “the myth of cheap labour from abroad has to end”.
His comments came as the debate regarding a relaxation ...
Around 25,000 low-paid workers may see an increase in their income once the government finalises its talks on minimum wage, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Friday, as discussions are slated ...
Around 25 per cent of pensioners who retired at 63 look set to benefit from a government proposal to slash the 12 per cent penalty imposed on early retirement for those who contributed ...
Cyprus’ pension system will be reformed and modernised under the current administration, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday.
Speaking after a session of the House labour committee, he added ...
The interior and labour ministries are joining forces to combat illegal employment of third-country nationals and reduce irregular migration this month.
Officials have identified 83 cases of illegal employment of third-country ...
Hotel workers union on Friday demanded an amendment to the industry’s wages decree so the indexation allowance be calculated automatically.
Syxka-Peo union issued a statement welcoming the decree incorporating ...
The labour minister on Thursday issued a decree raising monthly salaries for certain professions in the hotel industry by between €62 and €77.
The revised minimum wages for these professions take effect ...
Deputies were on Tuesday trying to rush through a bill to regulate remote work in the private sector, hoping to have it voted into law before parliament goes into recess ...
Remote work and the employment of third-country nationals are among the main issues on the agenda for the first meeting of the labour advisory council under Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou, ...
The labour ministry is set to submit a proposal to grant unemployment benefits to people aged 63 and older who have not yet applied for pension, the House labour committee said ...
President Nikos Christodoulides said he was pleased with the cost of living allowance (CoLA) agreement signed on Friday afternoon which is putting an end to a long-standing labour dispute.
The ...
A deal over the cost of living allowance (CoLA) appeared to be inching closer on Thursday after three unions gave the thumbs up to the latest proposal.
Sek, Deok and ...
It is important for all of us to recognise that through compromise not everyone can achieve everything they think is right, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday in the ...