During the months spent at home, a wave of creative activities surfaced as people attempted to stay entertained. The rise of virtual classes and events throughout the past year has helped those who want to learn and those who want to share their craft. An upcoming family-friendly online workshop by the Cyprus Centre of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians is all about creating your own shadow theatre.

Leading the 5pm workshop on Wednesday will be scenographer Edouardos Georgiou and İzel Seylani, shadow theatre puppeteer, actor and lighting designer. Titled Light and Shadow at Home, the workshop will explore two basic principles of shadow theatre. One is creating a story, developing characters and working on improving the artistic depth. The second part of the workshop will focus on performing that story via the medium of shadow theatre.

The event, in English, is free and open to all over the age of 5. “This workshop specifically aims to tell a story using shadow play techniques,” say the organisers. “Therefore, participating in the workshop as a family will help you share time together and cooperate as a theatre group for a shadow play during lockdown. After you prepare the play, you can either perform to enjoy yourselves or record and share on social media to reach a wider audience.”

For the first part of the workshop, stories will be needed. These can be well-known fairy tales or new ones to be created collectively by the participants. After that, materials will be chosen from home to develop as puppets. Cardboard can be used to create two-dimensional puppets or transparent plastic pieces to get colourful images on a screen as the shadow.

In the second part of the workshop participants will briefly explore shadow play through Seylani’s puppetry practice of Karagozi. After that, it will be time to create a screen using bed sheets or white cotton-fabric. The final and most essential element is a source of light to create the shadow. Any kind of light source would function well for the shadow play, say the organisers. Torch, candle, spotlight or a very simple lamp.

The rest is left to the creativity and imagination of each participant with the help of the two workshop facilitators. To be part of the experience, pre-booking is required. Contact [email protected], with your name, field of work or study, and the number of family members participating – if any – until March 9, for an afternoon between light and shadow.

Light and shadow at home

Shadow theatre online workshop with Light and shadow at home. Organised by Cyprus Centre of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians and supported by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. March 10. 5pm-8pm. Free. In English.