When you launch a blog on youtube you inevitably meet many issues that require your constant attention and maintenance. You must look after your ranking on the platform, which consists of many factors. But the main power that charges your growth on youtube is people. Generating more subscribers for your channel is a primary task, and even if you get free subs from VideosGrow.com the job is not done. To embrace the possibilities of the platform to the fullest, here are gathered some ideas to gain subscribers for free!


This is one of the most obvious techniques to get more followers. It is normal that you have more than one social media profile, so why not tag along the audience from other platforms to your YouTube? By supporting your video materials on other networks you can boost your count faster, and in a more effective way. Your followers from other social media are already liking you, so they will eagerly watch your content on another channel. Just remember the key rule for your success – don’t duplicate your posts on all profiles you have. Come up with something exclusive for each platform you occupy so people will be motivated to follow.


picture1To reach success on YouTube it is not sufficient to attract users. To make your subscriber count grow, you must retain your public. People want to interact with authors so you must reach out to them. Good engagement by itself will attract new viewers because having a good engagement rate improves your overall ranking results. Here are the main tips for successful engagement:

  • Communicate with your viewers
  • Ask questions
  • Offer ideas for discussion and participate in them
  • Host a contest or lottery
  • Listen to your subscribers and demonstrate your gratitude
  • Play games and have fun with your audience


To increase the number of your followers. Your content has to reach the right eyes. Youtube is huge video hosting and proper SEO is enhancing your visibility multiple times. First of all, define the most relevant keywords for your niche. Apply more general terms that can be used for the search of typical content, and more specific words to distinguish your materials within the industry.

Put your keywords organically in the texts – captions and titles of your videos should include at least one keyword. Also, don’t neglect to attach channel tags, so your materials will be categorized properly by the algorithms of youtube.


This tiny picture is basically the first position to attract a user and provoke them to choose your video over others in the search. So this is your first hook, along with the headline. The rules for making cool thumbnails are not too hard to follow, though. Here they are:

  • Always use custom pictures for your thumbnails
  • Make the picture filled with sense – the user has to get a clear understanding of what he is about to watch
  • Add short and informative texts, with a bit of intrigue or wit, if it sounds relevant for the video.
  • Choose a mix of bright and mild colors to design a contrast in the picture
  • Prefer darker background with lighter objects – due to the tiny size such a combination will be more comfortable to look at.
  • If possible and suits the sense of the video – add portraits


Whatever tricks you use in your strategy, content is the ultimate motivation for somebody to subscribe and watch your video. Without great materials, there would be nothing to promote. So, to improve the organic flow of new spectators to your channel, be convinced you create something worthy, interesting, exciting, and original. And also you should be doing that with top quality. Modern consumers are very demanding because of the enormous offer in each industry.

  • Invest in better gear as soon as your budget allows you
  • Pay attention to the details that appear in your video
  • Improve your looks
  • Control your gestures
  • Improve your shooting and editing skills, or work in a team
  • Work on your speech manner and tempo
  • Write scripts for your videos to avoid informational junk
  • Don’t follow trends blindly
  • Always try to find an unusual angle for simple and usual things


It is impossible to improve your channel without taking any risks. To widen your target audience and develop your influence, you must dilute your content with something new. It doesn’t have to be something radical, but you can experiment with new formats to test how your audience reacts to it. Even if as a result you will not introduce anything to your topic range, you will still attract new viewers and gain their interest.

When launching experimental formats, you have to be ready for criticism and negative reaction to your affair. People are not always ready to perceive new things momentarily, so hearing what they have to say will help you to make the right decision and improve your work. Beautiful you get a mostly good acceptance of your new content format, this is the green light for further expansion!


picture2This is a good method for encouraging occasional visitors to subscribe. Trailer is a short video presentation of your content. Its purpose is to motivate users to follow, so you must use all your charisma and creative arsenal. However, you should keep it close to reality. The trailer must disclose why anyone should support your YouTube profile. So one of the good methods is to put quick shots of your most triumphant content.

Also, attach a powerful emotional charge into your trailer. Users come to social media to get emotions, so give your trailer a mood that will resonate with your objective audience.


This is the ultimate reason to follow someone’s channel – when you notice how passionate the author is regarding the chosen industry. Your genuine interest and dedication to what you do are attracting a vast audience. Besides, doing your favorite thing creates a special atmosphere for your content, and people love it.

The most effective recommendation to give is that you shouldn’t try to embrace an industry because it’s common and brings profit. Your main motive to create and run a YouTube blog has to be your sincere wish and affection for the chosen niche. Pouring your heart into your content will bring you the best result and will assist you to keep yourself healthy and happy.


The process of growing your audience on youtube is complex. It requires research, analysis, and understanding of who is your target audience and what would they like. But the tips from above are a good assistance in your strategy so use them and prosper!