As the exhibition Idols continues at The O Gallery in Larnaca, on the occasion of Andreas Karayan’s 80th birthday a performance art event will take place this week. Running since mid-January, the exhibition showcases early works of the artist from 1967-1968 together with works on paper created in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s.
Alongside the pieces is a video screening made by the artist for his official participation at the Venice Bienalle in 2001 representing Cyprus.
With just a few days before the exhibition wraps up on February 3, the gallery invites the art-loving public to a performance event. Presented on Saturday under the direction of Nefeleni, the performance is based on one of the artist’s exhibited paintings and will be performed by Andrian Posea and Myria Argyrou.
Saturday’s event will be short as the performance will only be enacted once at 7pm and last for approximately 15 minutes. Those interested in exploring the performative work and how it relates to the exhibited paintings should make sure they are there on time so as to not miss the show.
Performance art | Andreas Karayan | IDOLS
Performance event based on exhibition. January 28. The O Gallery, Larnaca. 7pm. Tel: 99-659202
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