Outgoing President Nicos Anastasiades called on Friday for Disy unity and for an end to infighting which has dramatically spilled over into the public eye.

“It is with deep sadness that I am obliged to intervene in what has happened over the past few days as a result of the electoral defeat in the first round,” he stated.

In calling for calm and an end to speculation, Anastasiades invoked the spirit of Disy founder and former president Glafcos Clerides.

“[That was] a leadership which allowed us with cool heads to handle each result, recognising the true cause of defeat and press forwards united and stronger than before,” Anastasiades continued.

The president further decried what he said are efforts to muddy his legacy and reputation but also that of the government’s body of work over the past ten years.

He emphasised that the infighting between top members must end and room given for Disy members to exercise their free vote on Sunday.

Anastasiades concluded that while he will not state his preferred candidate, he feels obliged to emphasise his key goals for the country going forward.

He said the first is the reunification of Cyprus with a clear European and Western orientation. There must be no disturbance the strategic alliances struck in the region along with others such as the US.

The president also stressed that fiscal discipline and stability must be maintained to avoid situations which gave rise to the financial crisis.

Finally, he said there must be an effective management of the migration issue.