The price of a loaf of bread in the north has been put back up to its historical high of 15TL (€0.44), the north’s Bakers’ association chairman Omer Cirali said ...
Turkish Cypriot bakers cried foul on Sunday after the north’s ‘government’ decreed issued a decree to set the maximum price of a loaf of bread.
The decree set the ...
The cabinet on Tuesday approved zero VAT on certain consumer goods, in a stated bid to provide some relief amid current inflationary pressures.
The zero VAT will apply to bread, ...
Cyprus’ traditional bakery products have been included in the Unesco list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, following an application submitted by the municipalities of Athienou, Lefkonoikos, Akanthios, Kythrea and other communities ...
Price rises that have been in motion since the beginning of the year show no sign of slowing down but there is no immediate worry of a shortage of items ...
Potatoes and tomatoes are cheaper than last month, but bread prices are edging up according to the latest regular price observatory published by the consumer protection service on Friday as ...
Turkish Cypriots are seeing a doubling in the price of coffee and bread, reports from the north said on Sunday.
Global fuel prices are currently contributing to an increase in ...