Cypriot wineries have joined forces to launch the Cyprus Wine Consortium to better promote their products in a group rather than individually.

The consortium includes 16 local wineries brought together by Theodoros Theocharis in addition to a number of independent entrepreneurs. Their first project will focus on scale and quality.

Its vision is to shape the future of the Cypriot vineyards and wines while reviving Cyprus’ wine history and highlighting Cypriot grape varieties and wines both locally and around the world.

The Cyprus Wine Consortium aims at making Cypriots proud of drinking Cypriot wine, and to support the wine tradition of Cyprus that has been a pillar of the agricultural economy for over 5,000 years.

While the 16 wineries maintain their organic independence, they are in the process of creating a common brand to be placed on their bottles indicating a trademark of quality Cypriot wine both locally and abroad.

A year since its founding, the Cyprus Wine Consortium has established quality evaluation criteria, worked to raise awareness of opinion leaders in the global wine industry, worked to establish soft and sustainable cultivation practices in the context of sustainable development and chosen the wines that set the new quality goals for Cypriot wine.