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Elias Hazou

Elias Hazou

Elias Hazou is a veteran Cyprus Mail reporter. His expertise lies in the fields of energy, politics and parliamentary shenanigans


image ‘Youth Board used dodgy hiring practices’
image Cyprus facing EU fines over transfer of loans
image Future looks bleak for centrist parties
image Lawmakers limit local authority water fee hikes
image Cypriot YouTuber MEP denied access to National Council
image 200 AC units to be installed in schools by August 10
image 17% in Cyprus at risk of poverty
image ‘All options’ remain on the table for LNG plant
image Tenders for controversial fish farms to go ahead
image Tender for firefighting helicopters scrapped
image ‘Does AG’s office want to muzzle MPs?’
image Bankruptcy of tour operator FTI will impact Cyprus
image Avakoum financial scandal ‘very complex’
image A week before vote, some reforms still unclear
image EAC upgrades to stabilise system