A musical evening is coming up soon as the Curious Qat Cultural Organization presents the chamber music concert Exile for two pianos and percussion on December 11. Taking place at Pallas Theatre, one of the main features of the concert is the coexistence of piano sounds and percussion instruments, through the combination of modern improvisational and compositional styles.

The concert also focuses on the interaction between acoustic and digital sounds, using themes that stem from broader social issues such as exile, the timeless harsh conditions of survival and the phobias that citizens face in their daily lives, to highlight music as a tool for social reflection and collective awakening. Through this innovative approach to composition and interpretation and with the use of digital sound, a shocking mixture is created between classical and contemporary styles.

The evening’s programme will begin with the national premiere of Exile for two pianos and percussion by British composer Dave Maric, from which the title of the performance derives. This will be followed by the national premiere of the work Workers’ Union by the Dutch composer Louis Andriessen. The work highlights the difficulties faced by industrial workers through loud and almost annoying sounds, one might say, causing a feeling of discomfort and indignation. Although the work is already written, artists are called upon to make important decisions in relation to its orchestration and final structure. Adding to the timbres are the use of clarinet, violin and double bass, with George Georgiou on clarinet, Vicky Hadjiandreou on violin and Loukas Kerkyras on double bass.

The concert will conclude with the world premiere of the work ‘Himnnnnn…. nannnnn….. mmmmmori’ by the Cypriot composer Andys Skordis. According to the composer, “The text on which the work is based is a spell that was used in Cyprus to ‘land’ witches. The spell grounded the strangles to bring them back to the rational and conscious world. The three musicians embody the role of the witches, where they experience the effect of the spell, which becomes more and more powerful until it is completed. After they have been charmed, they are witches with different character, which slowly evolves and ends up again in the form of the witch, which as the strongest fools everyone and makes them believe that the spell worked.

“The strigla/witch symbolises our inner world, which is constantly challenged by the commons to acquire an identity accepted by society. It is up to us to decide whether the ‘spells’ of society will have an effect on us.” The work was commissioned by the Curious Qat Cultural Organization from the composer and was structured specifically for the combination of instruments of this chamber music ensemble, finally to be presented on December 11.


Chamber music concert for two pianos and percussion. Organised by the Curious Qat Cultural Organization. December 11. Pallas Theatre, Nicosia. 7pm. Tel: 22-410181