Experiences we go through shape our lives. They are the stories of life, whether good or bad. An upcoming event in Kellia village, north of Larnaca, invites participants to share their personal stories that have touched them, specifically on love and loss.

Med Organic MindSpa hosts this kind of event, gathering people to talk about topics that matter, significant feelings and even subjects that are considered taboo. As such, it is hosting a storytelling circle on February 9 titled Stories that Shape Us and the stories will come from the participants.

The circle will begin at 7pm where people are welcome to share their unique experiences without judgement or critique. As for what exactly to share, it can be any experience on love and loss.

“Something that tought you a lesson,” says Med Organic MindSpa, “something that changed the way you were getting on in life, something that gave you profound realisation, an inspiration, something that troubles your sleep at night, something so spooky, you hadn’t had the guts to spell it out loud or something so funny you are still smiling remembering.”

Anyone can get up and share as there is no requirement to be an actor or have a story of novel material. The only thing to remember is to keep stories under 15 minutes and not recite them. “Stories are told, not read,” added the organisers,” hoping to encourage real tales for an evening of unique storytelling.

Stories that Shape Us

Storytelling event on love and loss. February 9. Med Organic MindSpa, Larnaca. 7pm. Free, donation-based. Tel: 96-530552