Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis and Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios met with representatives of the World Bank on Thursday, who gave their advice on a potential tourism strategy for the Akamas peninsula.

“Today we discussed the possibility of formulating a tourism strategy specifically designed for Akamas,” Kadis said in a statement after the meeting.

“We want to focus and highlight some areas that will be protected, the same areas that will also provide plenty of benefits to the local community.”

Kadis said that the World Bank representatives have accumulated plenty of experience in drafting other tourism strategies aimed at promoting protected areas around the world.

He added that the World Bank has expressed its interest in providing technical assistance to formulate a comprehensive strategy which, if adopted, will then financially support.

“This effort is linked to the local development plan in the region. Work has also begun on improving the national forest park in the Akamas region,” the agriculture minister continued.

“All these actions will create a very positive perspective for the area, one which ensures the protection of the environment, in accordance with European legislation, and that safeguards its rich biodiversity.

“We want to see the Akamas community flourish, but in a sustainable and proper way,” Kadis concluded.