The new Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy has started to meet with various key stakeholders, including the ambassadors of Japan, Estonia and Greece.

The Deputy Minister also launched his personal Facebook page at Philippos Hadjizacharias, through which he will be sharing news and updates.

Hadjizacharias attended an event at the Japanese embassy in Cyprus, during which he had the opportunity to meet the ambassador of Japan Yoshio Yamawaki.

filippos japan

Ambassador of Japan Yoshio Yamawaki

During their discussion, the need to strengthen relations in matters of innovation and research was highlighted.

He mentioned that another meeting will be arranged for the further development of the discussion and cooperation between the two countries.

“Japan is leading the way on technology issues such as “smart cities” and would benefit from collapsing and exchange of views,” Hadjizacharias said.

A day ago, he met with the ambassador of Estonia Karin Rannu.

“Through our constructive dialogue, we formulated the intention to strengthen our countries’ bilateral cooperation, for a prosperous digital future. Cyprus and Estonia will cooperate in order to accelerate technological development and the transition to digital governance,” he said.

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Ambassador of Estonia Karin Rannu

Today Hadjizacharias met with the Greek ambassador Ioannis Papameletiou.


Greek Ambassador Ioannis Papameletiou

They mentioned that Cyprus and Greece will have close cooperation. In the next weeks, the plan is to arrange meetings with the relevant people from the Greek government.

Last week, Hadjizacharias attended the presentation of the GEM Entrepreneurial Report at the University of Cyprus. The report is organised every year by the Centre for Entrepreneurship.