A family in Xylofagou, desperately searching for their beloved pet bird, on Thursday asked for help to bring the parrot home, and reunite it with their distraught daughter.

Lee Byard, who contacted the Cyprus Mail, said that their pet Indian ring-necked parrot, Mango, left his cage on June 10, while the family stepped out and has been on the move since then.

“Mango is a beautiful pure yellow Indian ringneck parrot that my daughter reared from a baby and recently he escaped from his locked aviary while we were out for a short while,” Byard said.

He added that his daughter has been absolutely devastated by the incident, and the last they heard was that Mango was flying west, when spotted in Alethrico.

The family has put up posters in their area, posted on social media, and are now calling on anyone to help bring Mango home.

The family said that Mango speaks English and loves people and as such there is a real chance that someone could lure him into their hands.

“My daughter is a very kind-hearted and wonderful young lady and has had a very tough few years with this being just the latest of heart-breaking incidents she has endured, not least of which was almost losing her mum to Covid in 2021 when she was hospitalised and intubated for two months and then the long rehabilitation through 2022,” he said.

Mango answers to following phrases by repeating them or squawking.

Where’s Mango?, Good Boy, What you doing?, I love you and Peek a boo

“If you say, ‘Can I have a kiss?’, he responds with a ‘mwah’,” Byard said.

According to Birdlife, another way could be to leave food and water out, in the case Mango may get hungry.

Anyone who catches the bird or help can contact the family at +357 99 934756.