The three men who escaped from custody after being arrested in the north were rearrested later on Monday after a search was carried out in the village of Lysi.

Ibrahim Takimcilar, Aydin Guner, and Hasan Takimcilar, all aged 21, appeared in court in northern Nicosia on Monday, and escaped from a police transport vehicle while being taken back to prison.

Turkish Cypriot police found the car stolen by the three and used to escape in the village of Lysi. After searching the village, they found one of the fugitives inside a house and successfully caught the other two after a foot chase through the village’s streets.

A fourth man, believed to be connected to the escape, was also arrested in the village.

Police also confirmed that one of the officers who took part in the operation was attacked by a pitbull dog. The officer is said to be “in good health”.