The Leventis Foundation was handed a substantial fine on Wednesday after being found guilty of breaching health and safety legislation.

An official statement released by the labour ministry’s department of labour inspection said the foundation was ordered to pay a fine of €10,500 “for transgressions pertaining to the regulations on reporting accidents and dangerous incidents”.

According to the department of labour inspection, the foundation’s actions led to the injury of one of its employees.

Furthermore, the court stated that the same foundation neglected to inform the Nicosia district office of labour inspection about the injury, which resulted in the employee being incapacitated to work for over three days, excluding the day of the incident itself.

“The failure to promptly notify authorities of the incident and to ensure that no alterations were made to the accident scene formed part of the foundation’s infringements,” the statement added.

“The court’s ruling serves as a stern reminder that compliance with workplace safety measures is paramount and not to be taken lightly.”