Police in Paphos arrested a 27-year-old man on Thursday evening in relation to an investigation into an alleged kidnapping which reportedly took place during the troubles seen in Chlorakas earlier this week.

The investigation is being investigated ex officio by the Paphos police, as the alleged victim has not filed a complaint.

The man was arrested on charges of abduction, wrongful concealment of an abductor or abducted person, assault causing actual bodily harm, and conspiracy to commit a felony.

The 22-year-old Syrian national arrested on Wednesday night for “causing and inciting violence” after posting violent imagery on his social media accounts is also a suspect in the kidnapping case.

Police say some of the offending posts on his social media accounts contained “content related to the kidnapping case”.

He was remanded in custody on Thursday for eight days.

The Paphos police are continuing their investigations into the matter.