Crimefighting in Cyprus took a peculiar twist on Wednesday morning when a man dressed as Batman descended on Limassol district court.

The man strode into the building – donning a fluttering cape – where bewildered officials gawked at the man’s dedication to his outfit.

The assorted clothing completing the Batman look included tight leather trousers, shinpads and body armour – all black, of course.

Polished black loafers tied the outfit together.Batman, Limassol court

The man caused further confusion by later identifying himself as “God-Man”.

But a court official did not find the stunt amusing.

“Yes, I can confirm this happened – now goodbye, bye!” she told the Cyprus Mail, quickly ending the phone call.

It is understood that he did not enter a courtroom.

According to in-cyprus the man explained that he had a pending case at the court but said he was to leave shortly after to meet his daughter.