The Green party has collected support parcels for 730 people ahead of the Christmas period, some of which will be saved to be sent to Gaza when the humanitarian corridor is ready.

In an announcement on Thursday, the party said it had been trying to help raise money and collect food for people in need since 2012.

This year’s slogan is ‘Peace, Hope, No to War’.

“We could not remain unmoved by the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, in neighbouring Palestine,” party leader Giorgos Perdikis said.

As such, some of the donations raised, will be saved to be sent to Gaza when the humanitarian corridor Cyprus has been advocating for will be ready.

Aid has been raised for 730 people and a “significant amount” will go towards Palestinians in Gaza.

Since 2012, thousands of donations were made by the Green party, including food, clothes, baby food, cots, kitchen items such as refrigerators and stoves, as well as bicycles and computers, Perdikis highlighted.

Packages this year include Christmas treats and food vouchers.

The party leader expressed the hope the packages will be a “beacon of hope” for better days to come, adding that “better days will come and together, united, we will look to the future with optimism”.