For the seventh straight year, The Wall Gallery is reshaping the interior of the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, improving the ambience for patients, while also offering young artists living in Cyprus the chance to showcase their work.
Having become something of an institution, The Wall Gallery has been transforming the treatment centre into a permanent artistic space, raising public awareness about cancer while, at the same time, creating a positive environment for patients. The works of art, hosted at The Wall Gallery, are in line with the standards for a therapeutic environment, as described in a study conducted by the Alternative Brains Rule (ABR) non-governmental organisation, supported by the Bank of Cyprus.
Using The Wall Gallery’s visual platform, the works of featured artist Milenko Stevanonic study the interaction between light and darkness, fashioning a representation consisting of several smaller personal observations that are transformed into a single composition through memory, rather than depicting an isolated moment in time. The work recreates moments in time which, while identical, nevertheless bear minute differences, in this way evoking the richness of nature, its fundamental principles and rhythms.
Stevanonic is a Serbian painter who lives and works in Cyprus. Early on in his studies he decided to explore his interest in painting and engraving. After graduating from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, he went on to study Design in Florence, Italy. He then attended the Tokyo University of the Arts on a scholarship. Stevanonic is an active member of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia and a member of the Visual Artists and Art Theorists Association – Phytorio. He has participated in international exhibitions and conferences.
To date, The Wall Gallery has hosted exhibitions by acclaimed photographers Silvio Augusto Rusmigo and Eugene Kitsios, as well as visual art works by Constantinos Hadjidimitri, Alexia Tryfon and Simoni Philippou.
Where: Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, 32 Acropolis Avenue, Strovolos, Nicosia 2006
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