Despite some freakishly adverse weather in February, rainfall for the month was only 48 per cent of the average for the time of year, while temperatures had clocked in at 2.1 degrees Celsius above normal, official data released on Friday showed.
Total rainfall during the period October 2023 to February 2024 was approximately 280.4mm, or 75 per cent of normal. During the same period 20 million cubic metres of rain flowed into reservoirs, well below desirable levels.
According to the Water Development Department on Friday the reservoirs are only at 47 per cent capacity compared with 69 per cent this time last year and contain 138 million cubie metres compared with over 200 million cubic metres in going into the summer of 2023.
Some reservoirs are fuller than others. The island’s biggest dam at Kouris is at 40.8 per cent of capacity, Kalavasos 30.3 per cent, Lefkara 63 per cent, Asprokremmos 55.6 per cent and Evretou 54.6 per cent.
Senior engineer Yiannis Economidou told the Cyprus News Agency that inflow this winter had been low.
“Certainly, things are not good and that is why we are assessing the water balance on a continuous basis with the aim of optimal allocation of available water resources from government water projects for all purposes,” she said.
“Every year to make sure that water is distributed correctly and wisely, we prepare and implement the annual water distribution scenario with the basic principle of fully satisfying water supply needs without any cuts.”
Economidou said it was unlikely there would need to be water cuts this summer, but she said there would be limits on the quantity given to agriculture.
“We are promoting a series of measures to inform farmers, mainly to promote improved irrigation practices emphasising improved systems and precision irrigation while also promoting the maximum utilisation of reclaimed water,” she added.
She also spoke about water consciousness among the public. “The correct use and saving of water is a matter that concerns each of us individually,” she said.
Even though the weather in February was mostly sunny and clear, different areas did experience unsettled weather phenomena that included torrential rain, hail, snow in the mountains and even a tornado. These transitory weather events did not however help in terms of reaching the normal levels of rainfall for February, only contributing 39.2mm, less than half the average.
Some places were wetter than others. The average rainfall in Stroumbi in Paphos was 20 per cent of what it normally is in February, whereas rainfall in Kelokedara, also in Paphos, saw 122 per cent of the average. In the Larnaca district, rainfall ranged between 56 per cent of normal in Meniko to 114 per cent in Athienou).
On February 14, Yermasoyia was hit by a tornado that caused enormous damage to house and properties and the electricity network resulting in power cuts in several areas of Limassol. Some 20 roads were closed due to fallen trees, and some photovoltaic plants were also destroyed. Some families were also left temporarily homeless due to the damage to around 150 properties including residential houses and farm outbuildings.
Nicosia district also saw some flooding in the Potami area, which also experienced a power cut. Kampos village also sustained damage with farms reporting destruction of their outbuildings.
Later in the month, another bout of torrential rain caused problems in Astromeritis, Evrycho and Agia Marina Xyliatou in Nicosia and in Kofinou in Larnaca. The Kilrou dam also overflowed.
The bad weather hit islandwide on between February 13-18 to varying degrees, affecting traffic flow on the highways.
At the same time, it was not exactly cold, at least during the day. Most weather stations recorded their highest maximum temperature on February 6, 13, 25 and 29 hitting 16C and 17C. Only February 1 and 5 had temperatures below normal. The remaining days were above or close to the average, the met office said.
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