Aside from the treatment they receive, thousands of the island’s cancer patients rely on the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society’s free supportive and palliative care services. And the main source of donations to keep such efforts going is the annual roadside fundraiser, which kicks off this year on April 11, 2024.

As part of the 49th Christodoula March efforts, with support from long-time ally the Bank of Cyprus (BoC), hundreds of Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society members and volunteers, will be present at the side of key city roads, inviting the public to support the work of the Society for another year.

In addition to Nicosia’s “Arodafnousa” and Limassol’s “Evagoreio” palliative care centres, the Society’s services include home medical and round-the-clock nursing care, psychological and social support for patients and their family members, physiotherapy and lymphedema management services, aromatherapy, and daily transportation of patients from their cities to the Nicosia and Limassol oncology centres.

Meanwhile, as a steadfast ally of the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society for 26 years, Bank of Cyprus provides dynamic and substantial support for the Society’s every initiative.Christodoula March roadside fundraising set to begin

The annual Christodoula March, the largest awareness-raising campaign on cancer-related issues in Cyprus, as well as a major funding occasion for the work of the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society, this year took place in Limassol on April 7, 2024, and will also take place in all other districts on April 14, at 10.30am.

For more information on marches and events, visit:

Donate online to the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society at:

Donate via SMS to the Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society by texting:

  • CAS 5 for contributions of €5
  • CAS 3 for contributions of €3
  • CAS 1 for contributions of €1

All actions are carried out for the financial support of Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society services, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Fundraising 2014, and the relevant Fundraising Licence No. 73/2023, issued by the Ministry of Interior for the period 01/01-30/06/2024.