The newest production by Alpha Square and Andreas Araouzos brings together 10 Cypriot artists in a school courtyard as they present a reading of Julian Mitchell’s Another Country in Greek. This July, Araouzos and a team of actors will tell a story about the system and the camaraderie of boys at a private English boarding school in the 1930s through a theatrical reading.
The stage will be the veranda of a classroom at the English School of Nicosia, and the audience will watch the reading from a courtyard with a glass of Sacchetto Pinot Grigio or San Pellegrino. The first performance, starting at sunset, will take place on July 2 and will continue with almost daily shows until July 12.
The play was awarded Play of the Year at the Society of West End Theatre Awards in 1982. Renowned actors such as Kenneth Branagh, Rupert Everett, Daniel Day Lewis, and Colin Firth have made their debut in this play. The July performances will be in Greek, translated and directed by Andreas Araouzos.
The story line follows students Guy Bennett and Tommy Judd who become friends because they are both ‘outsiders’ – the first because he is homosexual and the second because he is a Marxist.
The school and the system have traditional ways of dealing with rebels. The themes of responsibility, guilt, opportunism, and exemplary punishment emerge.
As the play unfolds, situations arise. How will the victims take care of themselves, how will the idealists betray their principles, how will friends and supporters abandon the side of the wronged?
Another Country
Alpha Square reading of Julian Mitchell’s play. July 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. English School of Nicosia (Lloyds Building), Nicosia. 8pm. In Greek. Tel: 7777-7040
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