Aphrodite Bowls club recently held a ‘Fun Day’ with proceeds being put towards the cost of expenses incurred by bowlers representing Bowls Cyprus on International duty.

The day involved bowlers from Aphrodite, Coral Bay and Aliathlon bowls clubs, taking part in a competition, called ‘Ultimate Bowling’, where teams had to score as many points as they could.

The teams were drawn the day before so players were unaware what team they were in or who they were playing with, until the morning of the competition. The team with the most points won a small prize.

There was also a tombola stall, guess the sweeties in the jar competition, a lottery, a cake stall and an auction.

President of Bowls Cyprus Linda Wilkinson said: “It was a fantastic day, bringing all three clubs together for a fun day of bowls, with the aim to raise money for Bowls Cyprus. 1800 euros was raised and I would like to thank everyone who took part and contributed.“

Two bowlers from Aphrodite Bowls Club, who also participated in the day, were Caryn Morris and Loukas Paraskeva. The duo were the Singles National Champions for 2023 and will be going to New Zealand in November to represent Cyprus at the World Champion of Champions.

We wish them success.