Cypriot Member of the European Parliament Fidias Panayiotou on Tuesday announced his intention to invite schoolchildren to the European Parliament building, prompting the Cypriot education ministry to distance itself from the initiative.

In a video posted on social media, he said MEPs are able to “bring people from Cyprus to see the European Parliament”, and as such decided to offer the opportunity to his social media followers to be among the invitees.

He urged his followers to write who should be invited in the comments, “and we will do what the most liked comment says”.

The most liked comment suggested bringing “one child from every school” on the island, and as such, this is what he will do.

“So, if you are a child in your final year of high school, there is a chance for you to come to the European parliament,” he said in a follow-up video.

He said that every school will hold a draw for the name of one pupil to be picked out, before adding that “if you want to be in the draw, go to your school’s administration, ask them, and take part, and there is a chance for you to come to the European Parliament.”

The trip to the European Parliament will take place between December 3 and December 5, he said, adding, “and you will come and we will have a good time”.

He ended the video by saying, “I like it a lot that it will be you who will be deciding who is going to come to the European parliament, and I hope it will all go well.”

However, it did not all go well as far as the education ministry is concerned, with the ministry saying the plans had been made entirely “by the MEP himself”.

“The ministry had initially indicated to [Fidias’] office what the appropriate procedures are, in line with the steps followed for normal school trips and visits,” it added.

It also said that no part of the visit “falls under the ministry’s responsibility” and that as such, “the participation of pupils and teachers is not mandatory and any decision to participate will be made exclusively by the pupils’ parents or guardians.”

A spokesperson for Fidias clarified to the Cyprus Mail that the announced visit had been planned as part of the regular programme of visits allowed for within the calendar, when MEPs are allowed to bring groups of people from their home countries to the European Parliament.