The top issue for most Cypriots, according to a new poll, is inflation, which concerns almost two thirds of the population.

The local Cypronetwork ‘barometer’ found that after inflation, 45 per cent were concerned about the economy. 43 per cent with corruption and 42 per cent with the Cyprus problem.

Health, immigration, education and the environment were lower on the list.

More than one in two surveyed said they had ‘little or ‘no trust’ in Cyprus’ institutions.

Some 59 per cent said they had no trust in the government and 57 per cent no trust in parliament and the same for the political parties.

The results echoed a recent Eurobarometer on the same issues.

Also in the new poll, 61 per cent said they had little or no trust in the judiciary while 52 per cent felt this way about the media.

Trust in the Church and the audit office were higher with one quarter saying they “absolutely trusted” the Church and 19 per cent the audit office.

Regarding electoral choices in the next cycle, only 28 per cent said they would vote for a party they usually vote for, while 16 per cent said they would vote for a new party, and an additional 40 per cent said they were on still the fence. Four out of ten do not rust the current parties.

The survey also shows that the majority would support a new party if it met certain criteria. Important parameters would be for them to prioritise the interests of the public (73 per cent), a part with social sensitivities (70 per cent), free from corruption and collusion (68 per cent), and actively anti-corruption (66 per cent).

As for the Cyprus issue, a bizonal bicommunal federation was favoured by 25 per cent, 23 per cent favoured a single-state solution.

Some 14 per cent cited a two-state solution while 12 per cent would prefer to maintain the status quo.

A confederation was preferred by only 4 per cent. A high percentage while one fifth of all those polled did not wish to state their opinion.

The survey was conducted in December 2024, through personal and telephone interviews, among individuals aged 18 and over. The sample included 911 individuals and was representative of the population in terms of area of ​​residence, gender and age.