A night of creativity and expression is on the horizon. A spoken word event will be hosted at Windcraft Music Centre in Nicosia on February 9. With just over a month to go, the organisers invite those interested to join and share their work.
Curious to explore the limits of spoken word yet have nothing ready? This is your chance to prepare. Consider this your Open Call. Best of all, pieces in Greek or English can be performed.
“Whether you’ve been writing for years or want to express yourself for the first time, this event is for you,” say organisers. The event will begin at 6pm, hosted by Kalia Loizidou.
Here’s how it works. Have your spoken word piece ready on the theme ‘I Want to Forget… and I Want to Remember’ as the night is called. You will have five minutes to perform. Use the time – and your words- to explore memories, moments you wish to leave behind, and those you want to hold onto. Participation and attendance is free, simply fill out the reservation form on the Windcraft website with your name and title of your piece.
When it is your time to shine, the organisers have a few tips. “Eye Contact: Look at your audience. Eye contact strengthens your message. Repetition: Use repetition to create rhythm and emphasis. Some phrases deserve to be heard more than once. Vivid Imagery: Bring your words to life. Rhythm and Pauses: Play with your flow. Silences are as powerful as words. Passion: Feel the poem. If you don’t feel it, neither will the audience.”
Of course, the evening is open to non-performers as well. The event is free and welcomes all for a moment of inspiration and connection.
I Want to Forget… and I Want to Remember
Spoken word evening. February 9. Windcraft Music Centre, Nicosia. 6pm. In Greek and English. Free. www.windcraftmusic.com. Tel: 22-377748
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