The budget for improving school buildings has more than doubled over the past two years, Education Minister Athena Michaelidou said on Friday 

Speaking after an event in Paphos, she said children should be able to enjoy the best possible infrastructure. 

She said the level of cooperation between the ministry and the Paphos district school board is “excellent” and added that the district’s schools’ needs were being recorded and that these were “serious at all levels.” 

Priorities had already been assigned for renovations, expansions, and the construction of buildings for the Paphos technical school, as well as for primary and secondary schools. 

Children must be provided with the appropriate infrastructure in order to fulfil leaning expectations imposed on them, Michaelidou said. 

Steps had been taken for two schools to be built in the centre of Paphos and the project was proceeding smoothly, she added, under strict timeframes and in collaboration with the local authorities and the school board.