In a flowery Easter Sunday message intermingled with a religious message about the resurrection of Christ, Archbishop Chrysostomos touched on the coronavirus pandemic and the Cyprus issue.

“The hopeful message of the resurrection of Christ comes to drive out from our hearts the heavy winter of life’s trials and to bring the coveted spring, to dispel the clouds of pessimism and to inspire us with the messages of optimism for the victory of life over death,” he said.

“For more than a year now, both in our country and around the world, we are experiencing the multiple effects of the coronavirus pandemic and many of our fellow human beings have lost their lives and many others are living under very harsh conditions. Nevertheless, if every person realises the joyful message of the resurrection, he can draw courage, strength, hope and support.”

The Church “which through the centuries has been the ark of salvation of our people, will play exactly the same role now”, he said in reference to the Cyprus issue.

“It will demand a solution to the Cyprus problem based on the proclaimed principles of UN Security Council resolutions as well as the principles of the European Union, which are based on respect for the freedom and human rights of all citizens,” he added.

“The invader may be strong, but it is not possible to keep our homeland and our people on the cross forever.”