Three deaths and 412 new positive cases of Covid-19 were announced on Tuesday.

Three women aged 81, 71 and 92 passed away since Monday, bringing total deaths to 464.

There are 232 coronavirus patients in hospitals, 92 of whom are in serious condition. Of the 92 patients, 51 are intubated, one is in ICU without a ventilator, and 40 in the High Dependency Unit.

A total of 61,390 tests were carried out by means of PCR and rapid tests with a positivity rate of 0.67 per cent.

Of the 61,390 tests, 6,388 were PCR and 55,002 rapid tests.

The majority, 188 of the 412 positives came from 39,176 rapid tests performed at private labs and pharmacies, with 77 more cases found from 15,826 samples taken at health ministry testing sites.

A total of 88 cases came from 2,809 samples taken through private initiative, while 293 samples taken through contacts of already confirmed cases turned up 39 positives.

Ten positives came from 175 samples processed by hospital labs, while 119 samples taken through GP referrals yielded no positives.

In addition, 2,992 samples were taken at airports with 10 positives.

The total number of positives to date is 109,665.