President Nicos Anastasiades will chair a meeting of the cabinet on Monday at the presidential summer residence in the Troodos mountains.
According to CNΑ sources minsters are expected to discuss whether to revoke the travel documents the Republic has granted to ‘officials’ of breakaway Turkish Cypriot state in the north of the island.
The issue was raised in the wake of moves by the authorities in the north to open parts of the fenced off area of Famagusta, known as Varosha.
The cabinet is also expected to discuss whether unvaccinated university students should attend lessons only with a PCR test rather than a rapid test.
Ministers will also examine the cost of measures and actions regarding the fire service to strengthen the prevention and management framework when handling fires.
Interior Minister Nicos Nouris will table the measures that were examined during a meeting on July 12 at the presidential palace following the devastating fires at mountain areas of Larnaca and Limassol which resulted in the death of four young men and the destruction of property in the region.
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