Police on Monday took into custody two suspects for an investigated case of theft, following an attempt to resist arrest which ended with officers firing shots at the vehicle’s tyres.

According to police statement, the two men, aged 20 and 24, are suspected of conspiracy to commit a felony, illegal possession and transportation of a firearm, possession of burglary tools and drugs, all of which offences which were committed on June 6 in Paphos district.

An arrest warrant was pending against the 20-year-old in relation to the case in question.

On Monday afternoon, police located and approached the car being driven by the 20-year-old, with the 24-year-old as passenger.

The driver reversed, hitting a parked car and endangering a member of the police in his path.

Police fired shots at the tyres, immobilising the vehicle, and subsequently arrested the 20-year-old =on the basis of the court warrant pending against him, while the 24-year-old was arrested for evident offences.

In the search which followed, police found 2g cannabis, 1g of a white, crystalline substance suspected to be methamphetamine, 1.5g of cocaine, a precision scale, as well as a quantity of gold.

A search of the 20-year-old’s home, with his written consent, turned up 207g cannabis, four mobile phones, a number of credit cards, and a cut shotgun barrel.

Paphos police are continuing investigations.