With a packed calendar and two returning annual events, Rialto Theatre welcomes the busiest month of the season. Not only will July bring a series of theatre, dance and music performances at Rialto Theatre but it will also bring the 18th Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival and the latest edition of the Rialto Summer Cinema. Here is what is coming up next month!

Starting July’s performances is Milena Ugren Koulas’ dance act Grandmothers. Created in the framework of the Terpsichore programme 2023 – Deputy Ministry of Culture and in collaboration with the Rialto Theatre, two shows will take place, on July 11 and 12. Milena’s work often investigates how trauma affects humans and how those experiences shape our relationships. In Grandmothers, Milena and the dancers explore the ability to recover from trauma, ways to cope with it, adapt and modify well in the face of adversity, as well as what resilience is.

On a different note, the Pancyprian Choral Encounter by Epilogi Cultural Movement will take place on July 16, bringing together choirs and young music lovers from every part of Cyprus. Conductors, choristers, music teachers and children will have the opportunity to attend experiential workshops led by prominent conductors/musicians under the general thematic title: Polyphony and Improvisation through Tradition. A representative from the European Union of Choirs – Europa Cantat – will give a talk about the opportunities offered by the organisation to the choral community. The outcome of the workshops and the synergy between conductors, professors and choristers will be presented to the public upon completion of the classes in Heroes Square.

The evenings dedicated to Rialto Summer Cinema will take place at SEK Parking Place screening international films. July 18, 21, 23, 25 and 28 will bring European and world cinema to the heart of Limassol. The theatre’s website has details and a description of each film screening. Then, from July 14 to 30, the 18th Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival will take place at Heroes’ Square with six noteworthy concerts making up the 2023 agenda and filling the centre of Limassol with diverse music sounds.

Audiences can enjoy an enchanting blend of Cypriot melodies and music from Constantinople, an award-winning Cypriot band, a flamenco-rumba trio, new original work by local musicians and a funky brass band that incorporates disco, swing, jazz and poetry with a little bit of circus antics.


July at Rialto Theatre

Tickets and details at www.rialto.com.cy