The reactivation of the Housing for All (Stegi gia olous) social platform is “imperative,” as the reasons that lead to its creation in 2019 not only continue to exist, but have intensified, the platform’s coordinators said on Wednesday.

The goals of the platform, “to assert the right of every citizen to decent affordable housing and to demand integrated state housing policy,” were reaffirmed during a meeting between all the organisations involved on Tuesday.

“It is a common admission that the reasons that led to the creation of Housing for All in 2019 not only continue to exist, but have become more acute,” a statement said.

“The state’s housing policy does not meet the modern needs of the public, while at the same time, people’s rights to housing are being put into question every day with the emergence of new facts: plans announced by the government are inadequate, and the continuous rise in interest rates makes the risk of new non-performing loans more visible than ever,” it added.

It was also noted that rents have skyrocketed alongside the cost of building a house, at a time when problems in refugee estates intensify.

The statement said that the reactivation of the platform was deemed imperative, inviting all the organisations that make up the platform, and any others interested, to an open meeting on September 27.

Finally, it said the coordinating team is updating its positions and requests, as well as its next steps and actions.

“In the fight to ensure the right to a roof, no one is left out,” the announcement concluded.