Education Minister Athena Michaelidou on Thursday said nothing had been proven against the theologian who showed students a controversial video, which had been reported for homophobic content.

Speaking to CyBC in the morning, Michaelidou took a more neutral stance than the head of the house education committee on the matter that surfaced over a video shown to a class of lyceum students on sexuality.

She did not officially stand up for committee head MP Pavlos Mylonas, but she essentially supported him saying similar things.

“The position of the church was presented and it was an exercise to increase their [students] critical thinking.”

She added that when such material is shown in schools there are checks on the material and on the way, it is presented in class.

The contentious video was shown during a religious education class. It was a lecture by bishop of Mesogaia Nikolaos discussing sexuality and procreation. He says that “two men can never unite”, among other things that have to do with reproductive organs.

Commenting on the investigation into the theologian, who showed it in a religion education class, she said that nothing had been proven against the theologian so far, and that it seems the individual presented it in the correct manner.

“Teachers cannot be silenced, nor can the use of material to discuss a topic be condemned, as long as it is within the objectives of the course and there is a pedagogical approach,” she said.

Asked to comment on whether the video was homophobic, Michaelidou skirted the subject.

It doesn’t mean I agree or disagree. This is the position of the church.”

On Wednesday, Mylonas hit out at independent MP Alexandra Attalides, who shared the video deemed as homophobic on social media.

The complaint had been made to Attalides via some parents at the Nicosia lyceum, who shared their concerns with her.

Speaking about the incident on Thursday, the education minister chimed in her support for Mylonas’ stance, saying that the whole lesson was done in the effort of pluralism and to present the view of the church.

Mylonas had said among other things that the bishop was “scientifically explaining” the church’s position on marriage and adoption by gay couples.

He added that Attalides’ behaviour was “fascist”.

Commenting on the matter, after it surfaced from Attalides, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Despo Michaelidou said proselytising and propaganda in schools was not acceptable and the incident should be seriously examined.

“Individual educators are free to embellish the curriculum with the aim to promote critical thinking, not provide [exercises in] catechism, proselytising or propaganda,” she said.