The Lanes & Courtyards of Lania event is back again this May, inviting the public to two days of fun on the weekend of May 18 and 19. Every year, the Women of Lania organise a charming event that showcases the village’s creative efforts and offers free crafty entertainment to visitors.
It is one of the most colourful and picturesque mountain villages of the Limassol district with plant pots in every corner and artists’ studios on every street.
The village community started organising the event in 2006 with the residents and artists of Lania opening up their courtyards and studios. This year, a packed two-day agenda is scheduled again with music, dancing, workshops, a market and more fun happenings planned.
On both days, the programme begins at 11am and continues until the afternoon. Some of the activities of day one include a printing workshop, a talk on making rosewater and another on olive oil production as well as several folk dance and song performances.
Throughout the day stalls and a treasure hunt will take place around the village.
Day two will feature more workshops and stalls as well as theatre games and storytelling for children, performances and a raffle draw amongst other activities.
Lanes & Courtyards of Lania
Annual event by the Women of Lania with activities, performances and games. May 18-19. Lania village, Limassol district. 11am-6pm. Tel: 99-845153, 99-920264, 99-124620
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