Association of Cyprus Banks head Michalis Kammas met with six organisations representing elderly people this week, according to an official announcement.

The meeting allowed them to discuss the challenges elderly people in Cyprus face in accessing banking services and to explore potential solutions.

Following a recent debate in the House of Representatives on elderly people’s rights, access to information, and banking challenges, the association arranged the meeting to deepen understanding and address these issues.

Representatives from various elderly and senior organisations attended to share their concerns directly with Kammas. 

“Following the debate in the House of Representatives, the association informed the relevant human rights and equal opportunities committee of all that its member banks do specifically for older people,” the association said.

The statement pointed out that “the association’s proactive outreach aimed to capture the key difficulties older customers face and evaluate the current banking support provided to them”.

During the discussions, the association underlined that “it had taken the initiative to inform its members and pledged to come back immediately with practical suggestions to solve key problems in serving older people”.

Both bank representatives and senior organisations said that they are committed to ongoing communication and cooperation, recognising the importance of continuous improvement to benefit society, with a particular focus on the elderly.

The association has already started relaying the meeting’s findings to its member banks, emphasising the need for immediate planning and swift implementation of targeted actions.