Three projects co-financed with the EU and worth over €35 million are in the works to address the long-standing gaps and weaknesses when it comes to support for the disabled, deputy minister of social welfare Marilena Evangelou said on Tuesday.

In a written message to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the minister said the three projects were part of the national action plan to strengthen social inclusion and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

The three projects have a focus on streamlining the disability assessment system, upgrading the support for independent living, and the family intervention and support centre for autism.

Their budgets are €10.5 million, €20 million and €5 million, respectively.

Evangelou said the autism centre project has been deemed necessary due to the increase in diagnoses and to help families face the particular challenges.

“This is a landmark decision, as for the first time a clear road map is provided with the aim of comprehensively covering the range of needs of people with autism, based on a holistic approach,” she said.

In addition, a revised overall action plan ‘From birth to Third Age’ for the five-year period 2024-2028, will be submitted next week to the cabinet.

“With the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a compass, 75 new actions have been designed to be implemented by a total of eight ministries and four deputy ministries with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of persons with disabilities,” the minister added.

The strategic aims and objectives will direct every policy, measure and action concern the main areas of life of a person with a disability from the first stages of life to the Third Age.

It will include early child and family intervention, uniform and inclusive education, access to the natural and built environment, transport and information, access to health services and therapeutics, inclusion in employment, adequate standard of living and independent living, and participation in cultural life, entertainment, leisure activities and sport.