Antonis Loizou

Antonis Loizou


image The urban planning conundrum
image New Jumbo is a ticking time bomb
image The water shortage will hit real estate
image The options for government office spaces
image Extending the tourist season
image Investments in the healthcare industry
image ‘Low cost housing’ not the answer to crisis
image Property sellers left in limbo by elusive buyers
image Pros and cons of gated communities in Cyprus
image More ways to access solar power needed
image Swapping a house for an apartment
image A sign of hope in government services
image More properties for rent needed
image Yet another property tax
image Innovation should be given a platform
image Who is responsible for storm damage?
image Planting trees in your garden
image Common expenses and sinking funds
image Building supervision really matters
image Irregularities harm the residency visa scheme
image Adoption of photovoltaics
image The indifference of authorities
image Building in the mountains