Freda Yannitsas

Freda Yannitsas

Freda Yannitsas is a committed Mindfulness Advocate and Feng Shui Strategist, merging the insights of ancient Greek philosophers and Eastern traditions. She provides a harmonious blend of remedies and practices, guiding people towards wise and mindful living while activating positive energies in their living spaces.

Find her on TikTok and Instagram


image Transform your home into a festive Feng Shui haven
image Say goodbye to digital clutter
image Battle of the bulbs
image Explore your true style with Fashion Feng Shui
image Can Feng Shui bring you lasting love?
image Finding light in unexpected places
image Energise your New Year: Declutter with Feng Shui
image Energising your workspace for success
image Transforming your home with Cyprus-inspired Feng Shui
image A journey through bond, grief, and growth