I always like to focus on the positive—it’s in my nature and my driving force. However, in the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life, it’s essential to acknowledge the presence of negativity, particularly in the form of toxic people. Ignoring these influences can allow them to fester and impact our wellbeing. By addressing and managing these relationships, we can create a space for positivity to flourish.
The power of relationships: Filling or draining your energy?
The people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on our happiness and overall energy. Positive relationships uplift us, while negative ones can drain our spirit like ‘energetic vampires’. These individuals are often stuck in their own negativity, thriving on drama, blame and criticism, pulling others into their world of discontent.
Do you have someone in your life who always seems to find fault, never taking responsibility for their actions, and reveling in their issues? These are the ‘scab-pickers,’ constantly focusing on problems rather than solutions. Encountering such toxic personalities – whether they are liars, angry individuals, sociopaths or drama enthusiasts – can challenge your peace of mind. But don’t worry, there are effective strategies to handle them and reclaim your life.
Breaking free from toxicity
Escaping the influence of toxic people is a transformative adventure that can elevate your emotional, physical, creative and financial wellbeing. Sometimes, the presence of these individuals can act as a powerful sign from the universe, urging you to make significant changes. It’s an opportunity to redirect your energy from fighting negativity to creating a life filled with positivity and purpose.
I’ve found that removing toxic influences is a decision you will never regret. I often talk to people who share experiences of reaching a point where they could no longer tolerate the oppressive environments of certain jobs. It was then that they decided to consciously create the life they wanted, ultimately starting their own business and finding freedom from toxic influences.
Focus daily on the positive
If you can’t immediately break free – perhaps due to job commitments or housing situations – start by shifting your focus. Avoid ruminating on how you’ve been wronged; this only drains your energy. Instead, invest your energy in envisioning and creating the life you desire. Imagine your ideal job, partner, home or business in vivid detail. Write it down, making it a daily practice to focus on this positive vision.
In many online camps, I’ve seen people transform their lives, securing dream jobs and escaping toxic environments. The key is to actively search for what you need and quietly create your new adventure. Elevate your energy through exercise, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, creative pursuits, meditation and healing practices. The higher your energy, the more resilient you’ll become, bouncing back from negativity with ease.
Feng Shui tips to guard against energy vampires
To protect yourself from the draining effects of toxic people, consider these Feng Shui tips:
Wear red: This vibrant colour, linked with the fire element, can burn through negativity and keep your energy levels high. It’s especially useful when dealing with difficult individuals.
Avoid black: Black absorbs energy, which can be detrimental in negative environments. Save black clothing for positive, trusted company.
Wear white: White symbolises purity and protection, giving you authority and shielding you from negative influences.
Use salt: A salt bath can cleanse your energy after exposure to negativity. Adding flower petals enhances this purification process.
Ring it out: Clear your space of negative energy by using a bell or singing bowl. Focus on areas where toxic individuals have been, encircling your front door three times to seal it from negativity.
Smoke them out: Use sage or incense to cleanse your home after a visit from someone negative. Pay special attention to areas where they spent time.
Creating a new reality
While we may never achieve a perfect universe, we have the power to build a life filled with more joy and peace through deliberate, positive actions. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or at a crossroads, consider this your invitation to start shaping the life you truly desire. Take it one step at a time, with intention and mindfulness. As you release the toxic influences and open yourself to new possibilities, you’ll witness your world change in wonderful ways. Your journey to a brighter, more fulfilling life begins with that first courageous step. Embrace it, and see where it takes you
Freda Yannitsas is a committed Mindfulness Advocate and Feng Shui Strategist, merging the insights of ancient Greek philosophers and Eastern traditions. She provides a harmonious blend of remedies and practices, guiding people towards wise and mindful living while activating positive energies in their living spaces. Find her on TikTok and Instagram
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