Cyprus has received a total of €126 million net in funds from the EU for 2023 and is set to gain much more by 2027, Cypriot member of the European Court of Auditors (...
There is an “obvious” risk of fire in the Geri – Dali industrial area, House industry committee chairman Kyriacos Hadjiyiannis said on Friday.
Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), he ...
The payment of grants to displaced persons to help them get affordable housing takes well over a year after initially applying, it emerged on Tuesday, with MPs saying these delays ...
Both public sector and private sector jobs are set to be included in a new bill regulating remote working, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday.
He was speaking at ...
Efforts are underway in parliament to give the public a greater say as to what is debated and even the power to table legislation and reverse government decisions.
Diko MP ...
New MPs, voted in during parliamentary elections on May 30, will get to work on Monday with the first House committee meetings taking place.
The Finance and Commerce committees will discuss ...
The House plenary on Thursday rubberstamped the chairs and members of the 16 regular parliamentary committees, plus of the ad hoc committee on demographics and a newly created ethics committee for ...
The House plenary will on Thursday ratify the composition of the 16 regular and one ad hoc parliamentary committee, as well as a newly established ethics committee for MPs, the Cyprus ...
The House selection committee on Tuesday agreed on presidents for the 16 parliamentary committees and scheduled a new meeting for Wednesday to decide on the deputy chairs and members.
The committee ...
Far-right party Elam was given the chair of the ad hoc House committee on demographics on Thursday, as parties came to an agreement over the allocation of committees.
Demographics had ...
The House selection committee has failed to agree on the composition of the 16 parliamentary committees and the issue has now been referred to party leaders who will meet on Thursday, ...
The House selection committee meets tomorrow to assign MPs to the 16 House committees, amid speculation on whether smaller parties will be given a committee to chair, even though they do ...
A House watchdog committee meeting scheduled to discuss the demise of the co-op bank on Thursday was marked by ruling Disy MPs walking out citing conflict of interest and the ...