The authority against corruption has so far received 192 complaints, according to its head Haris Poyadjis. He did not say how many had been investigated but we suspect it is a ...
NOBODY knows what our Prez did to the deity-general Odysseas to excuse the latter’s manic efforts to wreck poor old Nik II’s carefuly cultivated image as the guy ...
Auditor general Odysseas Michaelides slammed the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) on Tuesday, accusing it of trying to enact a multi-insurance Gesy through the back door.
In a tweet, the audit ...
There is no doubt the reaction of the ministers of finance and transport to the allegations made against them by the auditor-general last week regarding dealings with Hermes Airports was ...
A scheme aimed to promote the audiovisual industry in Cyprus appears to have been tainted by conflicts of interest and the revolving door phenomenon, the auditor-general told MPs on Thursday.