A section of the newly revamped Piale Pasha Avenue has been eroded by the sea and maintenance work is expected to begin as soon as weather conditions allow, Larnaca Mayor Andreas Vyras said on Tuesday.

“Six years after the completion and delivery of the project by the department of public works, the lower lane of the coastal road, which was built exclusively for protection from the sea has eroded but does not pose a safety problem for the public,” he said.

People were warned not to use the lower pathway last month during stormy weather as it became slippery and dangerous. It was not a path for general public use in any event, the municipality warned at the time but as a buffer from the sea.

Vyras said that despite the fact the project was constructed by the department of public works, responsibility for maintenance was assigned to the Larnaca municipality.

The mayor said as soon as the problem was identified, engineers were sent to the area. “The civil engineers have assured that there is no immediate danger of the concrete slabs collapsing,” he said while noting there had been damage with sections falling off from the erosion.

Current weather conditions prevent repair and it could be April or May before work starts once a full report is done, which will also involve underwater surveys by divers, Vyras said. Repair work may have to be put out to tender.