Dr Charles Ellinas

Dr Charles Ellinas

Dr Charles Ellinas is a Senior Fellow of the Global Energy Center of the Atlantic Council, with 35 years experience in the oil and gas sector in senior management positions. He is a regular columnist with Cyprus Mail.


image Is it the end for the European Green Deal?
image LNG import blues
image Aphrodite blues
image The future of LNG exports
image Sending Cyprus gas to Egypt
image From sunlight to energy…or not
image How natural gas could reduce electricity prices
image Cyprus’ democracy continues to be flawed
image Cyprus Energy: 2024 Outlook
image What COP28 developments mean for Cyprus
image COP28: only the beginning of the end of fossil fuels
image COP28: entering the home straight
image COP28 Climate Summit: Achievements to date
image COP28: Day 7 was all about cities and transport
image COP28: Day 6 was devoted to energy transition
image COP28: health and reflection on Day 4