The health ministry issued clarifications about the new relaxations of the measures against the spread of coronavirus announced on Thursday that will be in effect from March 1.

The ministry recalls that people can leave their homes, only twice per day, and they need to send an SMS to 8998 for permission.

No SMS is necessary for the transportation by parents/guardians of a minor or a person with disabilities to the school or day care centre.

People wishing to visit someone in a nursing home must use category 5 while to visit an art gallery, it is necessary to send an SMS by selecting category 9.

To visit bazaars in open-air markets, category 2 must be used.

For dance and gym training but also going to nature trails people need to send a message using category 6.

According to the ministry, sending an SMS for going to sports facilities and/or the gym and /or dance school and / or other sports academies for individual training purposes, is required by everyone, regardless of age.

Minors who do not yet own a mobile phone and who need to go to sports training, must carry on them a confirmation signed by their parents/guardians.

Parents/legal guardians who transport their minor children for activities permitted by the decree such as sports training, dance lessons, tutoring, music schools, etc must provide proof of the date and time of the child’s activity, as well as a filled-out Form B.

The health ministry clarified that access to the nature trails of the forestry department is allowed only for exercise, provided that a text message is sent to 8998 by selecting category 6 and that the reasonable period does not exceed three hours.

It recalls that access to parks, linear parks, nature trails and beaches is allowed only for the purpose of physical exercise or individual sports. Up to two people can go, excluding children. Sending an SMS is necessary.

“The presence of people there for any reason other than exercise is not allowed,” the health ministry said. “It is stressed that in any place where people go for exercise, everyone should avoid any interaction with other people who do not live permanently in the same house as them.”

As regards training in indoor areas, the ministry said that only two people are allowed, including the trainer, in areas up to 80 square metres. In spaces between 80 sq. m. and 200 sq. m., the physical presence of three people is allowed (including the trainer) and of five people in spaces over 200 sq. m.

Music schools, private tutoring centres and other afternoon classes may resume operations but only with the physical presence of up to two people, including the teacher/instructor. Excluded from the 1:1 arrangement are cases where students are siblings.

For example, if two siblings take guitar lessons together in a music school, the lesson can be carried out in the physical presence of both students and their teacher, subject to personal protection measures.

The health ministry said that all employees returning to their workplaces on March 1, need to get tested either with a PCR or rapid test.