The postgraduate programme Management of Health Units of the Open University of Cyprus aims to train health professionals and / or other professionals through the acquisition of specialised knowledge and skills in the field of administration and management in order to staff and manage local and regional public and private health care services. Through appropriate tools, methods and applications, the goals of the programme are on the one hand the cultivation of knowledge and skills in students in order to contribute to maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of health care services, and on the other hand the formation of attitudes, perceptions and culture to foster quality and excellence among professionals in the field of health.

The programme is comprised of a total of 120 credits (ECTS) and different thematic units and can be completed in full study – exclusively distance learning – in four academic semesters.

Enrolled students study the concepts of health, public health and health promotion, evaluate health economics, quality and scientific methodology in health services and at the same time learn about the management of health resources.

Applications must be submitted by May 25 online only, via the university’s website, Tel: 22-411600, [email protected]