The Apollonion private hospital has sought to address ‘fake news’ regarding the death of the six-year-old Syrian boy who died this week following surgery on Tuesday.

It was said that treatment for the boy was scheduled to take place in Germany, but the parents had not been able to obtain the necessary paperwork to travel, consequently leading to the operation taking place in Cyprus.

The private hospital also detailed that a specialised Cypriot paediatric heart surgeon was flown to the island, and along with a team of experts, carried out the operation.

The announcement follows the autopsy, which was carried out on Thursday, with pathologist Marios Matsakis – who was appointed by the family – stating that his own preliminary finding was ‘surgical death’.

For its part, Apollonion said on Friday that the procedure was based on strict medical criteria and protocols. It further stated that the parents were fully informed of the severity of the situation and the potential dangers from such an operation.

But asked on Thursday whether the ministry may have decided to keep the boy in Cyprus because the surgery couldn’t wait, Matsakis said no.

“Questions must be asked about why the ministry changed its mind.”

He added: “This was a complex procedure, and they have better infrastructure over in Germany. It’s not just a matter of the calibre of the doctors. The boy’s chances would have been better there.”

Matsakis said the family plan to sue the state.