Bitcoin, along with other types of cryptocurrencies, has risen in popularity over the 13 years since Bitcoin’s development. There is an influx of people purchasing the coins on and making use of them in many different ways.
Regardless of how long the cryptocurrency has been around, and the number of times it has bounced back from dipping too low in value, there are still people who are hesitant to participate in this concept. Even though it has managed to prove itself to be something quite stable in comparison to the fiat currencies of the world.
There are some of the fortunate people who took the risk when Bitcoin was still brand new and barely spoken about, who are now seriously appreciating the growth in their investment. This is not an impossibility for you, and we will reason with you by explaining six different benefits that you can appreciate with cryptocurrencies.
Why the hesitation?
Before we get into the good stuff, let’s talk about why people are still hesitating even though they know how cryptocurrencies work. If you think about it, the currency of commodities like gold and silver has been around for such a long time, that this new-age phenomenon called cryptocurrency just seems unreal to some.
One of the most natural human reactions to something unknown is to fear it, and that is exactly the case with cryptocurrency. What if we were to tell you there is nothing to fear? If the fiat currencies are so volatile, it couldn’t hurt to try, right? Seeing as cryptocurrencies have been highlighted as a long-term investor’s playground, you could just start by buying a small amount, and seeing where it goes from there.
Six benefits of Cryptocurrency
Everyone keeps talking about cryptocurrencies, but it can be easy to get lost in it all. For your benefit, we have listed six different benefits of using cryptocurrencies that you might appreciate.
Speedy Transactions
Cryptocurrencies were initially designed as a substitute for fiat currencies that do not require an intermediary. This means that you and the person or company you are transacting with are in control, guided by the blockchain. There is no waiting period that you would experience with a fiat currency transfer, even if they are international.
Privacy and Security
Cryptocurrency also allows you to transact anonymously because you do not have to work with a banking institution where you have to prove your identification. You might appreciate the level of privacy that comes with this, for many different reasons.
Crypto was designed and run by a blockchain program so it cannot be manipulated by anyone. Every cryptocurrency transaction is recorded and available for all to see, even when using an app like Bitcoin Era. This means that you are safe from any hackers because they are easily tracked down, thanks to the transparency of crypto.
Low transaction fees
Banks will charge you somewhere between $16 and $35 to send money either locally or internationally. Cryptocurrencies are notorious for being much more affordable, and this includes the most saturated blockchains.
No inflation
We have seen the high inflation rates that have impacted so many citizens of America. Luckily, cryptocurrencies are not subjected to the same volatility that fiat currencies are. This is because when new cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are mined, they go through a reduction every four years. This keeps the cryptocurrency inflation low, unlike the fiat currencies.
Easily Accessible
All you need to access cryptocurrencies is a computer or a smartphone, and an internet connection. You do not need to register as you would at the bank, you just set up a profile from anywhere in the world, and there, you have it.
There you have it! The six benefits of cryptocurrencies. Start trading today and see what type of benefits crypto can bring to your life.
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